The APT (Active Whānau (Parents) & Teachers) is a group of passionate whānau and teaching staff at Miramar Christian School, who seek to enhance the culture of the kura community through practical support.
They are accountable to the School Board and meet together regularly to plan and discuss ways they can fundraise and support events to make MCS “the best little kura to belong to”. They encourage all whānau to actively participate in the life of the kura community, and have identified ways that people can be involved according to their interests, talents/abilities and availability. These include:
- Fundraising – e.g. kura gala, sausage sizzles, bake sales, car washes, selling chocolates etc
- Kura Community Events – e.g. whānau fun nights, open days, book week, science fair, etc
They encourage all whānau to get involved in the APT to care for and support other whānau in the kura and help the effective operation of the kura community.
Please contact the Office Manager through the kura office if you would like to be involved and come along to the next APT meeting.
To report an absence please call the office (04) 939 8558