MCS Kids with tablet


One of the most practical ways to support Miramar Christian School is by partnering with us through prayer. We are grateful to you for lifting up our staff, ākonga, classes and teaching. There are prayer requests at the end of each newsletter.

Donating financially is another way that you can support our kura. Your donation makes a huge difference to what we are able to offer our ākonga. Through your financial gifts you can choose to make general donations to be used wherever needed, or specific donations to support programs such as those listed below:

  • Sports equipment and sports trips
  • iPads
  • Musical Instruments
  • Science Equipment
  • Library Resources
  • Trips and camps

You can make your donation on-line via internet banking or bring cash or cheque into our kura office.

Our bank details are as follows:

Miramar Christian School
ASB Bank
Account No. 12-3481-0040719-00

If you would like more information about supporting the kura, or would like to make us a beneficiary in your will, please complete the form below and we will send you the relevant information.

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41 Camperdown Road, Miramar, Wellington 6022
Ph: (04) 939 8558 | Fax: 04 939 8559

To report an absence please call the office (04) 939 8558

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